
+ 2022
- Work at VK
| Development of the streaming service VK Play Live
| vkplay.live
- Worked at Agro.Club
| Participation in the development of a grain market system that matches the seller and buyer of grain
| agro.club
+ 2019
- Worked at Study World Media
| Development of a design system and parts of a platform for online education
| studyworldmedia.com
| author24.ru
+ 2017
- Worked at ImageSpark
| Sberbank Virtual School
| Development of a management system for training and growth of employees of Sberbank of Russia
| sberbank-school.ru
+ 2014
- Worked at Logic Games, developing browser games
| Classic Games: Bubbles, Tetris, Snake
| Solitaire Games: Mat and Crescent
| Developing a solitaire game engine
| logic-games.spb.ru
- Diploma Project "Software tools for collecting, storing and analyzing corpora of short texts for the task of classifying reviews"
| Novosibirsk State University
+ 2013
- Worked at IT Top, developed mobile applications and games in C# / Unity and JavaScript
| Some of them can be played in the browser
| ittop.mobi
| academmedia.com

+ 2011
- Diploma project "Client-server application for planning bio-mechanical stimulation"
| Virtual assistant for the Power Plate machine
| Higher College of Informatics NSU
+ 2008
- Course project, "Checkers" game in Pascal
- Website of the 803c group of the Higher College of Informatics NSU
| romasan.github.io/www.803c.ru
+ 2007
- Website of the native village where I spent my childhood
| bitkovskiy.narod.ru
+ 2005
- First attempts at programming in Visual Basic Script and JavaScript